Parking Terms and Conditions
Parking Terms and Conditions
Procedure of entry into parking areas:

- You need to drive up to the automated desk of an issue of parking cards of any entrance terminal. On a desk screen will displayed a message «Press the button».
- Press the button for issue of a parking card. On a screen will appear a message «Take a parking card».
- Take a parking card from the issue channel of entrance desk. On a desk screen will appear a message "Drive" with simultaneous opening of a barrier.
In case of problems with entrance (parking card does not issued, the barrier boom does not open) please communicate to the parking operator by pressing a button «Call the operator» located on a front panel of a desk of an issue of parking card.
Order of departure from the parking areas:
- You need to drive up to the automated desk of any exit terminal of a parking. On a desk screen will be displayed a message «Ins ert a parking card».
- Ins ert a parking card in to the receiving channel of an exit desk.
- If the parking service was paid and have not expired 10 minutes after the payment or 10 minutes from the moment of entrance on parking territory, the terminal shall withdraw the parking card in to the desk store. On a screen will be displayed a message "Drive" with simultaneous opening of a barrier.
In case of problems with departure (barrier boom does not open) please communicate to the parking operator by pressing a button «Call the operator» located on a front panel of an exit desk.
In the territory of parking, vehicles shall be placed exclusively according to marking. The vehicles placed in breach of a marking may prevent the departure of transport of emergency services.

Remember: parking card is a property of OAO «RAMPORT AERO». Parking card requires a delicate handling and storage. It is forbidden to transfer to third parties the parking card received at entrance to the territory of parking, to exchange a parking card with the third parties, to carry a proposal of the third parties on exchange of a parking card. Exit from parking territory is carried using the card received at entrance. For loss and damage of a parking card is charged a penalty at a rate of 1000 (one thousand) rubles. The forgery of parking card, departure without payment and use of a privilege not belonging to the person is subject to legal prosecution.
On parking are available allocated places for handicapped persons, designated by special signs. Handicapped persons may use a parking free of charge.
In the territory of parking it is forbidden to make an open fire, to hold unauthorized meetings and conventions, to cause damage to the parking equipment. In the territory of parking it is forbidden to conduct entrepreneurial activity, to paste up, to distribute leaflets and materials of an advertising nature without the prior agreement with the owner of parking.
Please note that the territory of parking is not secured, and the Airport management is not responsible for the safety of vehicles and things left in the car.