Travelling with Pets
Transportation of animals and birds is performed:
- Under the preliminary agreement with the airline, by flight which you plan to carry out flight;
- In a case of international flight - with the permission of the arrival or transit country (information can be learned from consulate of the country of destination).
Possibility and conditions of transportation of animals and birds (including transportation in aircraft cabin, tariffs and restrictions for species and breeds of animals) is determined by airline. At booking or purchasing of ticket is required to inform airline or ticket agent that you plan flight with an animal, and mandatory to receive acknowledgement from airline.
Transportation of animals and birds can be performed:
- In passenger cabin of the aircraft , if it is authorized by airline rules;
- In a baggage compartment, if in this type of the aircraft ventilation and heating of a baggage compartment is provided.
In case of transportation of an animal abroad (into third countries) the veterinary certificate of an international form is drawn up. Besides, at transportation of pets in the countries of the European Union you must draw up the veterinary certificates of the European Union which are the obligatory appendix to the veterinary certificate. For this purpose the owner of an animal shall present:
- A pet;
- Veterinary certificate (or veterinary certificate of the Customs Union at export in the countries of the Customs Union).
The animal (bird) at transportation by aircraft should be placed in the container (cage). Containers (cages) should be in compliance with the following requirements:
- to have sufficient size (to allow an animal to rise in full length and to turn on 360 degrees);
- To have access of air and strong lock;
- Bottom of the container (cage) should be waterproof and covered by an absorbing material;
- On bottom perimeter should be a board which excludes a spillage of absorbing material;
- Cages for birds should be covered by a dense lightproof fabric;
- Inside a cage or container should be equipped with the place for bracing of capacities with water and dry feed for all time of flight (from surrender at airport of departure till receiving at airport of destination);
The feed should correspond to all standards of country of destination or transit country. It is forbidden to transport in the container a meat and products containing meat.
The size of the container (cage) should allow to an animal to rise in full length and to turn on 360 degrees. The height of cage height be equal to height of a standing animal (D), to width of pet (C), and length to length of a body (A) plus half of length of a paw (B).

A free baggage allowance does not apply to the animals.
The Seeing eye-dogs accompanying passengers with absence of sight/hearing, are transported free of charge over the established norm of free baggage allowance subject to the existence of proper training that is verified by the certificate. Such dog must have a collar and a muzzle; it should be tied to an armchair at feet of the owner.
Transportation conditions (availability of a cage, price for transportation etc.) you shall necessarily check at acquisition of tickets, as well as with the call-centers and the airline offices with which you plan to make travel.
Export of an animal abroad
The veterinary certificate on a state of animal health at the office of veterinary control shall be exchanged for the international veterinary certificate.
Some countries have established restrictions or an interdiction for import of some species of animals. Information can be learned from the consulate of destination country.
Import of animals from abroad
Owners of animals can import simultaneously no more than two pets (if it is authorized by airline rules) subject to the existence of the international certificates with marks that animals are apparently healthy and vaccinated. International documents are exchanged for the veterinary certificate of the Russian Federation.
Vaccination should be performed not earlier than 12 months and not later than 30 days prior to departure date.
Standard documents, order of registration of animals and other information, concerning the procedures of import/export of pets, you can find on a website (registration of domestic animals exported abroad -
You can apply for more detailed information by phone of veterinary control of the airport Zhukovsky: +7 925 082 07 61.

Dear owners of animals! For the avoidance of the conflicts related to miss departure because of necessity of registration of veterinary accompanying documents for animals, we ask to apply to the point of veterinary control beforehand.
Fytosanitary control
Rules of transportation of plants are governed Federal Veterinary And Phytosanitary Monitoring Service.
Fytosanitary requirements at import of quarantineable products in the Russian Federation
Into the Russian Federation it is forbidden to import the plant products and soil infected with quarantineable hazardous organisms.
Importation of quarantineable plant products into the Russian Federation in the cases provided by rules and standards of securing of quarantine of plants, can be performed only with the availability of the fytosanitory certificate issued by the national plant protection organization of the country-exporter in which territory the party such quarantineable production was formed.
Importation of quarantineable products in the postal items, cabin baggage and baggage of passengers, crewmen of sea-crafts, river crafts, aircrafts, vehicles, train brigades is allowed without the fytosanitory certificate provided that the quantity of such quarantineable products does not exceed five kgs and it is not seeds (seed material), planting material or potato as well as unless concerning the country-exporter temporary restrictions are imposed.
Fytosanitary requirements in case of export of the quarantineable products from the Russian Federation
Exported from the Russia quarantineable plant products should satisfy the fytosanitary requirements provided by the international plant protection agreements. Imported quarantineable plant products should have fytosanitary certificates.
Quarantineable plant products without fail should pass inspection based on the results of which shall be issued a fytosanitory certificate.
Fytosanitary control of exported cargoes is made in places of initial shipment of these cargoes.
Each batch of quarantineable products at transportations along the territory of Russia is accompanied by the quarantine certificate (inspection and certification are carried out in state inspections on plants quarantine).
Information concerning import/export of plant products you can find on a website of Directorate of Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Monitoring Service for the city of Moscow, Moscow and Tula regions..
Additional advice concerning import/export of plant products into/from the Russian Federation you can get in the phytocontrol office of airport Ramenskoye (Zhukovsky).
Official website of Federal Veterinary And Phytosanitary Monitoring Service:
Official site of the Directorate of Federal Veterinary and Phytosanitary Monitoring Service for the city of Moscow, Moscow and Tula